September was a big month. We proudly hosted a 30-day campaign entitled Challenging Ageism, that ended on National Seniors Day,  1st! Each week we invited our Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn followers to engage in activities, watch videos, read or learn in hopes to pursue further understanding of ageism in our communities. In a post-campaign survey, we discovered that case studies and videos resonated most with our audience. 96% of survey respondents stated they learned something new about ageism. 35% of survey respondents knew very little about ageism when the campaign started; However, 78% of the same respondents can now define ageism. While these results are incredible, we still have work to do! For everyone who participated and was engAGEed, encourAGEd, or outrAGEd with our campaign posts, THANK you for your participation, comments, and feedback!